Forest Govt Department Jobs 2022
Age Limited:: >> 18 to 28
Education:: >> Matric | Intermediate
Company:: >> Forest Department KPK
Location:: >> KPK
Address::: >> Divisional Forest Officer, Kohat Forest Division
According to the Force Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, government policy requires applications for recruitment from persons with domicile in Kohat Hangu and Kurram districts in the following circumstances. Recruitment for these posts will be on a permanent basis.
Applicants must have domiciles in Kohat Hangu and Karak districts.
The age relaxation limit can be found in government law.
Government compartments may increase or decrease the number of vacancies for any reason.
Speeches in the quota for minorities will be made in accordance with the prevailing law of the government.
How to apply
The application form and the KPTA online deposit slip are available on the website
Please deposit Rs. 450 / – online at any branch of MCB.
KPTA with the application form and original deposit slip.
Send the third floor in shame Apartment K Naal Road Warsak Road Peshawar within 15 days of the advertisement.
Eligible candidates will be subject to Physical Test and Forest.
The KPTA candidate will also be informed.
KPTA test will be considered as a screening test only. It will be necessary to get 50 personnel marks while it will be done under the Indian Government Rules Policy.
No roll number slip has been sent to any KPTA candidate by post or TCSO Yar courier service Instead, the candidate will make a print of his / her roll number from the PTA website with a picture of the candidate to take part in the test.
Contact this number for more information about KP Testing Agency.091.2617060
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