There are other posts in the Punjab Police Department to apply for Assistant Sub Inspector and PPSC Advertisement 31/2020 such as Mines Medical Officer, Assistant, Assistant Director Survey and Drawing, Sub Engineer (Civil), Assistant.

Education: >> BA , DAE ,MBBS , B.E 

Company:  >>   Punjab Public Service Commission

Gender:     >> Male, Female

Posted On: >>   04,November, 2020

Last Date:   >> 19,November , 2020

Post Name:>>

Assistant Sub Inspector

Vacancy in PPSC,

Mines Medical Officer


Assistant Director Survey & Drawing

Sub Engineer (Civil)


Government Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs 2020 ( Assistant Sub-Inspector )Online Application Form | Applications are being submitted from the Punjab Public Service Commission which requires better disciplined, educated and qualified applicants to apply for 273 jobs in the Punjab Police Department such as (ASI – Assistant Sub Inspector (Male and Female) vacancies. Are to apply under the service quota.

All Pakistani citizens with valid domicile of Punjab are eligible to apply but they should have the relevant physical fitness and qualifications as per the requirements mentioned in the following figure. As I have already told you about the vacancy, the eligibility criteria and the application criteria need to be discussed in the following topics. PPSC Punjab Police Jobs 2020 Sub Inspectors are ready to apply.

Qualification criteria,

Applicants for all other positions under PPSC Advertisement No. 31/2020 are required to qualify MBBS / Bachelors / DAE and those with relevant experience are eligible to apply.

 How To Apply,

All aspiring applicants have to apply online from the official site of PPSC or from the link given below to access the online application form.

The candidate has to deposit the test fee for all the posts in NBP, SBP or PPSC in favor of PPSC.

The application deadline is November 19, 2020.

Applications received after the incomplete due date will not be valid.

Candidates wishing to apply for ASI should obtain Bachelors Degree (Second Division) from a recognized University and have a clean service record in the Punjab Police as Head Constable and Constable with three years of service in the service of Head Constable and Constable. Eligible for applicants. Applicants for all other positions should have MBBS / Bachelors / DAE in which they are required to apply with relevant expertise. Only eligible candidates are required to submit their applications online at before the deadline of 19 November 2020.

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Govt Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs 2020
 Govt Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs 2020

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Last Update: October 1, 2024